Large teak branches stool
table teck
Other outdoor furniture - Large teak branches stool
table teck

Large teak branches stool


Category: Other outdoor furniture

  • Price : 240 €

Large teak branches stool

  • Price including VAT, but excluding delivery and installation costs
  • Secure paymentSecure payment
  • Fast delivery and installationFast delivery by our teams (payment of the balance of the order to our drivers)
  • Politique de retourPayment method: Bank transfer, CB or paypal
    For deliveries by us, 50% on order, 50% of the balance on delivery given to our driver

 Are you looking for something beautiful for the living room or to give as a gift, something that fits into any interior?

Then this eye-catcher is exactly what you are looking for.

The seat of this sturdy stool is made from a piece of natural teak from Indonesia.

The base consists of several branches, which gives a nice look to this stool.

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