shaolin set
Outdoor sculptures - shaolin set

shaolin set "i say nothing"

Reference: SHAOLIN1

Category: Outdoor sculptures

  • Price : 55 €

shaolin set "i say nothing" High 40

  • Price including VAT, but excluding delivery and installation costs
  • Secure paymentSecure payment
  • Fast delivery and installationFast delivery by our teams (payment of the balance of the order to our drivers)
  • Politique de retourPayment method: Bank transfer, CB or paypal
    For deliveries by us, 50% on order, 50% of the balance on delivery given to our driver

 The sculpture "I say nothing" measuring approximately 40 cm is part of the Shaolin set. This set of sculptures represents the martial arts and the Shaolin culture, known for its spiritual and martial teaching in China. The sculpture "I say nothing" can be interpreted in different ways, but generally it represents the discipline and concentration necessary to practice martial arts.

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