Pair Of Greyhounds In Black
Outdoor sculptures - Pair Of Greyhounds In Black

Pair Of Greyhounds In Black


Category: Outdoor sculptures

  • Price : 490 €

Pair Of Greyhounds In Black GRC material, cement, fiber and resin for exterior does not fear water, UV or gel

  • Price including VAT, but excluding delivery and installation costs
  • Secure paymentSecure payment
  • Fast delivery and installationFast delivery by our teams (payment of the balance of the order to our drivers)
  • Politique de retourPayment method: Bank transfer, CB or paypal
    For deliveries by us, 50% on order, 50% of the balance on delivery given to our driver

 This pair of greyhounds is a unique piece of garden sculpture that will add an elegant and majestic touch to your outdoor space. Made of high-quality material and designed to last, this sculpture is painted black for a bold and timeless look.

Greyhounds are beautifully depicted running with captivating grace and power, creating a striking focal point in your garden.  Whether you’re a dog enthusiast, an art lover or simply looking for a distinctive piece for your outdoor space, this pair of garden sculpture greyhounds is a perfect choice. It will add a touch of sophistication and elegance to your garden, while offering an elegant and graceful representation of these magnificent animals.

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