Outdoor sculptures - BLACK STYLIZED FISH


Reference: POISSON2

Category: Outdoor sculptures

  • Price : 120 €


  • Price including VAT, but excluding delivery and installation costs
  • Secure paymentSecure payment
  • Fast delivery and installationFast delivery by our teams (payment of the balance of the order to our drivers)
  • Politique de retourPayment method: Bank transfer, CB or paypal
    For deliveries by us, 50% on order, 50% of the balance on delivery given to our driver

 Give your home or your garden or office a touch of sophistication with these three sculptures of black stylized fish. Each sculpture is carefully designed to capture the elegant and fluid essence of a moving fish. Made from quality materials, these sculptures are durable and shock resistant. , allowing you to arrange them creatively to create a dynamic and striking effect. The deep and brilliant black of these sculptures will bring a touch of sophistication to your decor, harmonizing easily with any color palette. Whether you’re passionate about marine life or simply looking to add a contemporary art touch to your space, these stylized black fish sculptures are an ideal choice.

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